by FSB

? Earn up to £500 per week when you invite your friends!

May 08, 2024

Get rewarded when they spend

Invite up to 15 friends or family members to join Fansnub and you’ll get up to £50 once your friend subscribes to a creator and or  successfully makes a deposit to their wallet.

Invite and Earn in 4 easy steps

  • Invite your friends

    Invite your friends

    Invite your friends straight from the Referrals tab,, in your account

  • They sign up & start using Monese

    They sign up & start using Fansnub

    Once they sign up with your referral link, remind them to start spending by either depositing or subscribing to any creator of their choice,

  • You’ll both get a bonus

    You’ll earn a bonus

    As soon as they subscribe or tip a creator, or deposit, you’ll receive your earning, you can check in your balance ( or referral dashboard to track all your referral earnings.

  • Earn more when they spend more

    Earn more when they spend

    And you'll get up to £500 per week with Fansnub.

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